Friday, 24 February 2012

Leaving On A Jet Plane

Just can't understand how a seemingly respectable gentleman from Orpington, Kent - a British man, born in Britain - can be treated worse by the British justice system, than some foreign terrorist, who is allowed to walk free from prison because the UK 'system' is helping him with his appeal. A man who spouts bigotry and spite, who hates the West so much he wants to stay here. And live in a free world where he can encourage others to hate us. Unbelievable, Cameron, Clegg and Hague should hang their heads in shame. And, by the way, if our man from Kent is guilty - which he may well be for all I know - let a UK court decide, not the nuke 'em cowboys in Texas.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Greece is the word

I can't help but wonder if the latest 'deal' done by Germany/France and Greece is the beginning of a slippery slope, and I fear for where it will end. When the vanity of politicians leads the decision-making process we are in trouble. The Euro has not worked, from Greece fudging the entry rules to the latest bailout scheme, put together not on economic grounds but in order to save the political ideology that the Euro scheme represents. I repeat, I fear for where this will end - wars have been started for less.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Clear Eye Clouded Mind

I've enjoyed the output from American band Nada Surf for some time. Their last album 'Lucky' was a true masterpiece, chock full of great melodies and vocals, coupled with a crisp and full production not always evident on previous releases. So I was really looking forward to their new album 'The Stars Are Indifferent To Astronomy' and for the most part I'm not disappointed. Aside from a couple of filler songs, it's bang on the money again. Lead man Matthew Caws is again the star with his versatile and distinctive voice. The fact that he has now relocated to Cambridge in the UK, from his native New York, only adds to the way I relate to his lyrics, which are clearly personal and usually thought-provoking. Not to underestimate the contribution of his two fellow band members who are once again on fine form. They've been producing quality output for 20 years now and the standard hasn't dipped. Not many people have heard of them and I kind of like that...a hidden gem of a band just for me. But it would be mean not to share them a little.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Non stop noise

Well, my latest trip to Mumbai is almost at an end, I have the joys of catching the 02.45 to Heathrow in a few hours time. Every time I'm here the place amazes me. It's just a mass of humans, all going about their business, whatever that is. Five star hotels (literally) rub shoulder with corrugated iron slums. On Saturday I went to the Aer Bar on the 34th floor of the Four Seasons where the drink prices compete with top clubs in London or New York. Next door is a run down cafe, where ordinary Indians stop, drink and chat. Under highway flyovers, people take a mid-day sleep, despite the screaming, honking traffic that hurtles by them a few yards away. The driving here is something else, the only place as bad that I know is Cairo. If you see a space, accelerate into it. That's the only rule. Honking the horn is standard, and very much an un-aggressive action, unlike the UK. In fact, despite being cut up, honked at, narrowly missed and blocked in - and despite the blistering 38c heat - nobody gets upset at all. And I mean not even a flicker of anger. It's just the way it is, and nobody takes it personally. How different from the UK can you get?

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Off his roja

I usually take a fairly philosophical view on sporting spats, particularly those concerning football. It's usually two players who are cheating just as much as the other. Handbags usually, nothing serious. But the latest Evra/Suarez episode, as played out last Saturday at Old Trafford, takes the biscuit. My usual stance cannot apply, the numpty-in-red continuing his personal crusade to join the brainless brigade. Dalglish is nearly as bad doing his usual "I'll only talk about the football" thing. Frankly it's embarrassing, and the belated apologies from Liverpool FC (none for months, then you get three in an evening) only magnify their blind ineptitude. Useless, incompetent and childish. Words that apply equally to the other party that didn't get a grip on this whole sorry episode, the FA.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Strange days indeed

Day 7 of my latest trip to Mumbai, a Sunday. With time on my hands I thought I would start writing a blog. So I woke to the news on CNN that Whitney has pegged it. I wondered why nobody had mentioned it on Facebook then realised that everyone in the UK was still in bed, and the news was pretty hot (if you see what I mean). No surprise at her demise really, just the same as Amy, at least she had a few more years. There was something rather surreal about all the celebs carrying on with enjoying themselves at the pre-Grammy Award party, whilst Whitney was dead in her room in the same hotel.
In the gym I listened to Craig Finn's new solo album 'Clear Heart, Full Eyes'. And very good it is too, mixing Finn's usual lyrical storytelling with a diverse musical soundtrack, certainly far less full-on that his usual band The Hold Steady's full frontal musical attack. Must be something about solo albums at the moment, as I'm still regularly listening to Noel Gallagher's 'High Flying Birds' album, which is exactly what you expect from Noel, but strangely addictive, probably down to him writing his best tunes since 'What's The Story, Morning Glory'...which is a very long time ago (nearly 17 years!!). Maybe he had a point to prove with someone.
Finishing the day by watching the Black Country derby on TV, it's the Sky coverage but I'm not paying for it (although I suppose it's in the room price). Later it's Villa v Man City, with a bit of luck the Midlanders will prevail but I suspect not...